Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 57

For a brief moment in time, I thought I could be like them. Then a Persian tiger attacked me, and reality crept in.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 55

last nights sushi date.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 54

can you see bumble bee anywhere?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fast Forward to day 53

So I have not been taking as many pictures as I should. The 1.5 of you that read this to be polite, may have noticed. Blame it on blog intimidation, gloomy weather, being busy...whatever. After talking to a dear & wise friend, who coincidentally has a fabulous blog..(A Nasty Bite)..I realized that part of my blogblock was not that I haven't noticed the beauty in the ordinary, but rather, I felt insecure about taking pictures suddenly. One of those, 'whats the point, anyway' moments. The funny part about this is, I am in one of the most happy times in my life. Perhaps I am just soaking in the moments internally and not feeling the need to document. Whatever the cause, I started this little experiment to challenge myself, and to 'document' a year of my life in photos. So...I think this lazy time should be noted as a part of it, which is why I am sharing, don't worry, it won't happen often.

In one last dollop of self indulgence, my same friend mentioned above tagged me in a 'random things' post. I enjoyed hers so much. Here goes:

Seven Random Things about me...

1) Writing that was way more intimidating than I thought...mediocre pictures abound!

2) I keep dreaming of adopting children (2 in particular) that ARE NOT UP FOR ADOPTION..what's wrong with me??!!

3) My husband said something the other day that reminded me that I am living the exact life I have always wanted...I will need to be reminded of this again.

4) My favorite books from childhood were the Tasha Tudor books..great illustrations!!

5) I am fascinated with criminals

6) My friends have taught me some of the most important things I know

7) I love birds in theory, but in real life they terrify me

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 33

twice removed

Monday, February 1, 2010