Monday, February 22, 2010

Fast Forward to day 53

So I have not been taking as many pictures as I should. The 1.5 of you that read this to be polite, may have noticed. Blame it on blog intimidation, gloomy weather, being busy...whatever. After talking to a dear & wise friend, who coincidentally has a fabulous blog..(A Nasty Bite)..I realized that part of my blogblock was not that I haven't noticed the beauty in the ordinary, but rather, I felt insecure about taking pictures suddenly. One of those, 'whats the point, anyway' moments. The funny part about this is, I am in one of the most happy times in my life. Perhaps I am just soaking in the moments internally and not feeling the need to document. Whatever the cause, I started this little experiment to challenge myself, and to 'document' a year of my life in photos. So...I think this lazy time should be noted as a part of it, which is why I am sharing, don't worry, it won't happen often.

In one last dollop of self indulgence, my same friend mentioned above tagged me in a 'random things' post. I enjoyed hers so much. Here goes:

Seven Random Things about me...

1) Writing that was way more intimidating than I thought...mediocre pictures abound!

2) I keep dreaming of adopting children (2 in particular) that ARE NOT UP FOR ADOPTION..what's wrong with me??!!

3) My husband said something the other day that reminded me that I am living the exact life I have always wanted...I will need to be reminded of this again.

4) My favorite books from childhood were the Tasha Tudor books..great illustrations!!

5) I am fascinated with criminals

6) My friends have taught me some of the most important things I know

7) I love birds in theory, but in real life they terrify me


  1. Just wondering ... am I the 1 or the .5?

  2. with all them kids ya got now, you are def a full 1!!! xoxo
